Joe Canning is a videographer and has been tweaking his skills on the camera and the post processing. Joe is a Oracle/MSSQL DBA by trade and also works at Insight. He is a good person to have on any team.
Anyway Joe asked John Stone and myself to play roles in a commercial contest he was shooting for , I reminded Joe I have no experience, he must have been really desperate.
We had a great time and half the fun was my “Plank/stiff/” style of acting and the jokes about things that cannot be repeated. John Stone on the other hand is a natural and built for comedy. Below are some stills and the commercial as well.
[hana-flv-player video=”http;//” width=”800″ height=”530″ description=”” player=”3″ autoload=”false” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /]
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